2 点透视图:教学

Wacom 大家庭,大家好!或许你之前就听说过两点透视?2 点透视图以及怎么创作,正是我们今天要分享的内容。


在这张图中,你会看到一个立方体。如图所示,我们是从上方而且向右观看它。这里还显示出通常隐藏在视图外的边,以便我们完全理解 2 点透视。

绘制 2 点透视立方体

大家都知道,立方体所有边的长度都相同。但是,物体离眼睛愈远,看起来就愈小。2 点透视图代表我们在绘制垂直边的时候,必须画出不同长度。较远的边必须更短。






如何用 2 点透视绘制立方体

First we’ll need a horizontal line straight across the whole picture: the horizon (here it is in blue). Everything that appears above the horizon is viewed from below, and everything below the line we look at from above. On the horizon we mark our two vanishing points to the far right and left of the image.

Our cube should be placed below the horizon and a slightly right of center of the image. First of all, let’s draw the front vertical edge of the cube (the surface facing us). This will define the object’s position and height. The beginning and end points of the edge are therefore the two corners of the cube facing us. These corners we connect to the vanishing points.

We are now ready to draw the two outer vertical edges. Because their height depends on the two yellow and green lines, you’ll notice these edges are now a little shorter than the first edge. The further back we move the edges, the shorter they become. In other words: what we want in two-point perspective drawing.

The two new edges are parallel to the first edge. In a 2 point perspective drawing, all vertical lines are parallel. In this example, the cube is positioned slightly to the right. This means that the right side of the cube will be a little narrower than the left side. This happens because we are viewing it at a steeper angle. Therefore, we need to move the right edge a touch closer to the first edge.

Last but not least, draw in the back edges of the cube. In order to do this, we connect the two outer top corners of the cube to the opposing vanishing points. The missing back corner of the cube is created at the convergence of these two lines.

And at that, we have drawn a cube in 2-point perspective. Compared to our first cube, this one already looks so much more realistic.

With an eye to constructing more complex objects later on, you should also draw the hidden sides. You merely have to add the missing edges on the reverse side of the cube.

2 点透视图的局限

现在画笔交给你,想办法用 2 点透视画出更多个立方体、长方体与盒子。这样画下来,产生的角度与方向非常不同,给人非常酷的美感。

不过,2 点透视也有一定的局限。例如,如果你把一个物体放在图像的靠右侧,或甚至放在消失点之外,这个物体就会扭曲到看起来不再真实的地步。同样的道理,位置放得太低或太高的物体也会出现问题。所以,请确保一开始就把两个消失点放在尽量远的边缘,至于图像则规划得小一点。


当然,2 点透视不只可以用来画盒子。只要你稍微练习一下,就可以试试其他形状。

Most shapes can in many ways be composed or arranged into boxes. These boxes can then be used in two-point perspective drawing. It is important to draw in the hidden edges as well.

Start off with a box and cut off an angled edge to draw a slanted roof like in the picture. You’ll again need to connect the newly created corners with their corresponding vanishing points.

In order to create a house roof like in the picture, you need to identify the centers of the house’s sides first. Be careful: because everything is foreshortened towards the vanishing point, the center axis also shifts backwards. You can either determine the center by feel, or if you want to be absolutely sure, draw the diagonals on the front and back of the house. That way you can be sure that you have found the center.

Round objects are always a bit trickier. But here too it helps to first draw a corresponding box that you can fit the round object into. The curves are now going to be much easier to draw in.

When drawing digitally, always make sure that you draw your construction lines on a separate layer. That way, you’ll be able to remove them more easily later on and won’t have to erase around the objects.




完成你的 2 点透视图





话虽如此,在许多情况,2 点透视的效果还是非常好。尤其从侧面倾斜呈现物体,或是处理建筑、描绘大块面积的时候,都很好用。还有,外星人造访的时候更是特别好用。


Draw 2-point perspective. Get started with Wacom One.

Wacom One creates a familiar pen-on-paper feeling, thanks to a 13.3” screen with natural surface friction and minimal reflection. The pen feels light and natural in your hand and transforms into a pencil, paintbrush or chalk in your selected software. All you need for drawing 2-point perspective. Creative software comes included, along with the ability to connect to your computer, as well as certain Android devices.

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Draw, design and create directly on a high resolution screen with a precise pen.

Shop Wacom One 13



See all Wacom families of products

Pen tablets

Sketch, draw and edit images with a responsive pad, a precise pen and see your creations appear on screen.

Pen displays

Draw, design and create directly on a high resolution screen with a precise pen.


Write with pen on paper and convert your handwritten notes to digital.


Write and quickly note ideas on your mobile device with a Wacom stylus.


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