我们原是为 Wacom 的专业数位板和数位屏而开发了这项技术,以求让压感笔的输入快速无误,并具备感压功能。所打造出的成果,就是能在多种书写表面上都拥有自然的纸笔触感。我们称之为“Wacom feel IT 技术”。
我们原是为 Wacom 的专业数位板和数位屏而开发了这项技术,以求让压感笔的输入快速无误,并具备感压功能。所打造出的成果,就是能在多种书写表面上都拥有自然的纸笔触感。我们称之为“Wacom feel IT 技术”。
Our capacitive pen solution shares the same sensor and controller for both pen and finger touch. With no pen-dedicated sensor needed, mobile devices with this technology gain higher flexibility in product planning and design.
Active ES can establish compatibility with other pen protocols that use the same capacitive pen technology, such as Microsoft's Surface pen. With our Bamboo Ink styli, users can write on a Microsoft Surface as well as on one of our OEM customers' products with Active ES.
在数字世界中,数字墨水变得灵活且强大。我们对数字时代的憧憬,是带有语义意义、背景脉络,以及生物特性的富有内涵的数字墨水。而 Wacom Ink Layer Language 就是这种通用数字墨水的基础,简称为:WILL™。
我们和开发人员社区一起运用 WILL ,为未来创造数字墨水体验。
Wacom 墨水技术包括: