Our businesses

We use our technologies to enable the best digital ink and pen experiences to our customers throughout their lives and across their areas of life.

Wacom 技術解決方案

與我們的合作夥伴攜手併肩,Wacom 運用自身豐富的經驗,為廣大的客戶市場建立新數位筆與數位墨水解決方案。

我們替超過 1 億支的智慧型手機配備 Wacom 數位筆與數位墨水技術。隨著使用者愈加喜愛數位筆作為其電子設備介面的直覺性和熟悉性,支援數位筆的智慧型手機與平板電腦將變得越來越受歡迎。


Pen intuition for mobile devices and PCs

We supply digital pen and multi-touch solutions to OEM customers, empowering their mobile products: smartphones, tablets, PCs, eBooks, digital stationery and music score devices - running on Android, Windows, and Chrome operating systems.

Digital stationery

Digital pens have evolved beyond their traditional role as tools for operating smartphones and tablets; today they can be used to create and edit content. Wacom is taking the lead in collaborating with industry partners, providing our expertise to a growing number of pen and touch technology solutions.

To support the digital stationery trend, we're supplying pen cartridges to stationery manufacturers.

Developing new markets

Besides our collaborations with stationery manufacturers, we're actively promoting innovative digital pen solutions and experiences in different fields and markets in education and artificial intelligence.


Tools and services for creative expression

For over 35 years, we support the creative expression of people around the world, whether they are full-time creative professionals or beginners or serious enthusiasts.

As their creative partner, we provide designers, artists and ideators with advanced digital tools and services that match their creative process. We help them explore new horizons in film and 3D animation, in industry design, digital art and game development.

Our product range includes pen displays and tablets, pen computers, digital stationery, software and services. We equip individual users and offer solutions for creative enterprises, for example in entertainment, design and architecture.

Explore our products

Explore our solutions for creative enterprises

Wacom for Business

Enterprises process and handle documents digitally to ensure efficiency and security. At the same time, personal and human interaction can be crucial in the customer interface, often including handwritten signatures and documentation on analog paper.

With our technologies, organizations can bridge this gap and benefit from both worlds. We enable paperless processes for organizations which provides a digital pen and paper experience; a familiar feeling for users.

Our solutions are founded on an award-winning and market-leading range of pen-enabled devices. We enhance this hardware with software that adds biometrically accurate and beautifully rendered digital ink to a wide range of applications.

In short: we use our technology to help make organizations more human and more digital.

Explore our enterprise solutions

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