Pen tablets
Sketch, draw and edit images with a responsive pad, a precise pen and see your creations appear on screen.
Hello Wacom family,
The human face is definitely a subject which artists of all eras have worked on most diligently. That's why we think it's a good idea to look closely at the individual parts of the face one by one. Today we will be talking about how to draw a mouth.
Let's begin with the position of the mouth. After we have constructed the head, the guide lines will give us the vertical position. The mouth lies on the first subdividing line between nose and chin. This means the distance from mouth to chin should be about twice the distance from mouth to nose. The width of the average mouth is at most as wide as the distance between the pupils. Experience shows that we should reduce this width a bit.
To start to answer the question about how to draw a mouth, we draw a simple line. This is the main line of the mouth: the lower edge of the upper lip. Starting with this line is the quickest, most intuitive way to define a mouth’s shape. The line doesn't have to be perfectly straight, but you should try and save more adventurous curves for later.
Next, we open the mouth. There are a number of things to bear in mind here.
This method of construction tends to offer a lot of freedom. You can decide for yourself what proportions to use, what angles your lines will run, how sharp or soft the edges should be, and whether individual lines should curve inwards or outwards, or perhaps take on “S”-shapes. Nearly anything is possible here.
Of course, you can also include the two “V”s. But make sure that in profile, the main line from the left overlaps the lower “V” as seen in the bottom line.
This method of construction tends to offer a lot of freedom. You can decide for yourself what proportions to use, what angles your lines will run, how sharp or soft the edges should be, and whether individual lines should curve inwards or outwards, or perhaps take on “S”-shapes. Nearly anything is possible here.
Of course, you can also include the two “V”s. But make sure that in profile, the main line from the left overlaps the lower “V” as seen in the bottom line.
Always start with the main line because it is what the rest of the construction is based on. The main line follows the curve of the head. If the head tilts upward, the main line becomes an upward curve. If the head tilts downward, the curve of the main line also points downward.
Additionally, whether the head is facing upward or downward, we have to consider that the angle of view on the lips also changes: certain areas of the lips become narrower or wider in perspective. If we turn the head far enough downward, the upper lip disappears completely. The distance between the lower lip and the chin line also shortens when the head is turned.
Finally, we can add the same gloss layer of the abstracted version and edit it a bit. As you can see, I've added a bit of emphasis to the upper “V”.
Of course, not every mouth must be drawn with as much detail as in the last example. But, there are of course no limits to the amount of detail. Decide for yourself which level of detail is suitable for your picture.
I hope you had fun learning how to draw a mouth, and that you have taken one or two good tips away with you for future drawings.
See you next time.
Sketch, draw and edit images with a responsive pad, a precise pen and see your creations appear on screen.
Draw, design and create directly on a high resolution screen with a precise pen.
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