교실 내 완벽한 창의성

교육시 Wacom 기술 습득으로 다양한 사고와 문제 해결 능력을 쌓아서 학생들이 자신의 창의성을 탐색하고 표현하도록 장려하세요.

학생들의 창의적 잠재력 발휘

학생들이 아트 및 디자인 분야에서 성공적인 취업을 준비하도록 지원하면서 창의적 한계를 확장할 수 있도록 어떻게 격려하시나요? 오늘날의 스튜디오, 기관 및 크리에이티브 전문가들이 사용하는 도구에 대해 교육하여 학생들이 열정을 찾을 수 있도록 지원하세요.

고급 아트 및 디자인을 위한 Wacom 제품 자세히 알아보기

"Technology knowledge is required in the industry to be a working professional. Students need to be well-versed in technology - its use and application. But more importantly, where they can push it to the next level."

- Anthony Fisher, Department Chair of Sequential Arts,
The Savannah College of Art and Design

Instill a creative foundation

Whether you're opening the world of creativity to grade schoolers or mentoring aspiring fashion designers in high school, you can enrich their learning with Wacom products in the classroom.

Engage your students with a digital platform to explore their passions in writing, drawing, painting and more. Use Wacom pen tablets and smartpads to encourage hands-on experimentation, foster collaboration and build solid critical thinking and problem solving skills.

Learn more about Wacom products for early creative. ::before ::after

Spur student participation and collaboration

Foster interaction and stimulate deeper learning by incorporating different teaching styles and environments into your curriculum. Wacom products make it easy to explain concepts visually, encourage collaboration, and support flipped and distance learning programs.

Tailor your teaching to the unique needs of each student by writing, sketching and annotating on screen, spontaneously. Or create rich interactive content they can review at their own pace.

Learn more about Wacom products for the interactive classroom. ::before ::after

교육용 Wacom 제품

펜 컴퓨터

창의적 자유와 화면상의 펜 정확성.


펜 디스플레이

실제로 디테일을 살리는 선명도 및 색상 감도.


펜 태블릿

특히 스케치 그리기 및 사진 작업을 시작하는 장소.



페이퍼에 펜으로 작성한 노트를 디지털 파일로 변환해 공유할 수 있습니다.


Contact a Wacom Specialist to learn more about our products, evaluation program or education pricing.

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