



如何绘制狗狗——第 1 部分

Three circles

To understand how best to draw something, it’s always helpful to reduce the image to some basic forms. Getting the size and position of these forms right helps achieve the correct proportions.

In the case of a dog, we can reduce it to three circles. The bottom two circles will form the body and the top circle will form the face.


Add another smaller circle to the top circle – this will form the dog’s muzzle. Then connect the two bottom circles to form the dog’s body. Use one line to connect the top of the circles and another to join the bottom, as shown here.

Legs and tail

Now it’s time to add the legs – two coming from the front circle and two from the back. It’s important to remember that the proportions of dog legs are different to human ones. Use the guide pictured here to make sure you have the joints in the right position. Make sure that the position of the legs is correct and that they face the right direction and that all the joints bend the right way.

At this stage you can also add the tail. Simply draw a straight line at a slight upward angle from the top of the rear circle.


To form the dog’s face, we need to add the nose, eyes and ears. As we’re drawing the dog in profile, you only need to add one of each. Sketch the eye using a lying-down V shape. Use a triangle for the ear. Then use a circle or square for the nose. For now the most important thing is getting the size and position of these details correct.

轮廓 1




轮廓 2



如何绘制狗狗——第 2 部分


Using the steps above, you can draw dogs in all sorts of poses. The first step is to position the circles correctly. With a little practice, you’ll get the hang of finding the best proportions and spacing for them.

Legs, eyes, muzzle

As before, pay attention to the joints and their alignment when pre-drawing the legs. When you draw in the central axis of the head, it’s easier to determine the correct positions for the eyes and muzzle, especially if you want to depict the dog in half profile.

Ears, tip of the nose

For now, you can roughly indicate the position of the nostrils on the dog’s nose. We’ll go into more detail on this later.

The basic shape for a dog’s ear is a triangle but for certain poses, this doesn’t work. Other basic shapes are useful as a starting point but you’ll need to adjust these on a case-by-case basis. Take a look at these different ways of doing it.

Keep in mind that a dog’s ears are an essential part of its expression. Erect ears suggest alertness or even aggression. If you want your dog to be relaxed, you should let the ears hang.


For the quick, sketchy style depicted, you can roughly trace the preliminary drawing with the outlines, then add hair with the help of quick zigzag lines.

Depending on the pose and perspective, you’ll need to vary how you draw different parts of the body, bulges and indentations, bones, muscles, wrinkles, etc. You can often work out the right places for them using your imagination. Sometimes you might need to take a closer look at the anatomy of a dog.

By using the simple steps described here, you can get pretty far in most cases. As with any subject, the best way to capture it most accurately is to draw directly from a living model.

如何绘制狗狗——第 3 部分






1. 先画出宽大的方形,比例类似横向 A4 纸。将它在横竖方向各切一半。(上半部分的竖直分割线并不重要。)

2. 将鼻孔定位在水平中线上,每个鼻孔都在距中点一半距离的地方。在侧面距顶部四分之三距离处画一道斜向下的标记。

3. 稍稍圆化边缘。

4. 用蜗牛的形状将四分之三距离的标记与鼻孔连接起来。在底部的中间位置画一个 V 形。

5. 用曲线将 V 形与上半部分连接起来。鼻孔也在两侧略微倾斜,朝向 5 点钟方向(右侧)和 7 点钟方向(左侧)。

6. 除了从中心点向下的竖直辅助线之外,去掉其他引导线。

Muzzle, mouth

From the front, the muzzle looks like a W. In this drawing, the dog is looking slightly to the right, so the right side of the W should be a bit narrower than the left. The tongue comes out directly under the W and hangs out over the lower lip.


For the paws, you can again start with a basic shape. This time, use a slightly wider square than for the nose. Offset the bottom edges of the four toes very slightly in height to give the paws some depth. You can then give the toes more definition by adding spaces.

Rough outlines

Now it’s time to make the preliminary drawing a continuous shape. The neck goes directly into the body. Below the neck, Golden Retrievers have a kind of collar. At the top of the front legs, there are shoulders on both sides, which mark the transition from leg to body. So in this simplified form, use subtle corners on the outer lines, at about the level of the collar.

For the moment the outlines can still be smooth connecting lines. They help us for the next step.

Final outlines

As before with the standing dog, you can indicate fur in the outlines with quick hatching strokes. This softens the hard edges of the outlines and gives the dog its fluffiness.

如何绘制狗狗——第 4 部分





Shadow 1 hard

With the lighter of the two shading browns, you can roughly define some shadow areas. Try to imagine which areas are directly illuminated by the light and which are in shadow. Also think about whether parts of the body cast shadows on other areas. In this case, we’ll assume that the light comes from above, so the lower edges of the body parts tend to be in shadow.

You can also highlight the muzzle, eyes and cheeks a bit, and in some places you can make fur markings for the pattern in the dog's coat.

Shadow 1 soft

This dog has a soft coat, so we want to achieve that effect in the drawing. To get the effect pictured here, soften the shading with a 0% soft pencil outer edge. If you’re using pencil on paper, you can use an estompe for this technique to get more accurate smudging than using your fingers. Blurring has the effect of making the basic tone of the dog look as soft as possible.


Now, let’s work with the light brown tone on the upper edges of the body parts. With the two hard brown tones (i.e. very light and very dark) we can create the impression of fur. You can build a fur brush for this purpose. So instead of a line (i.e. many dots stuck together), it draws lots of hairs at random – smaller, larger or even slightly twisted. Most graphic programs offer brush presets but you can also create a brush like this yourself quite easily. All you have to do is paint a single hair and adjust the settings. The alternative is to draw the fur using skillful hatching or drawing lots of hairs.

Shadow deep

To give the dog a little more depth of color, work the darkest parts with the very dark brown tone using the fur technique above. By this point, you’ll be able to tell whether the individual shades go well together. If you’ve worked with fill levels, you can always readjust the shades and gradations.




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